
The Nursing School of Coimbra is the largest and oldest public Nursing school in Portugal. It is a national and international reference due to the reputation achieved over more than a century, and its quality and innovation in the fulfilment of its three-fold mission: teaching, researching, and providing community outreach services.

Our multicultural School prepares students for Nursing practice in international settings. It has made a strong investment in research and innovation, being a World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Nursing Practice and Research. Students participate in research, entrepreneurship, and volunteer projects right from their first year. It has one of the most advanced clinical practice simulation centers in Europe.

The School was awarded with the Gold Medal for Services to the State by the Portuguese Ministry of Health.

Educational Areas
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra Strategic Plan has defined the following strategic action area:

See Courses
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
Avenida Bissaya Barreto, s/n
3004-011 Coimbra


With around 2000 students, the Nursing School of Coimbra has three main buildings located in three campuses. Campus A (on the right bank of the Mondego River) is close to the Coimbra University Hospitals and the Portuguese Institute of Oncology. Among other services, the Clinical Practice Simulation Center and the International Office are located in Campus A.

Campus B (on the left bank of the Mondego River) is located next to the General Hospital and includes the Rehabilitation and Maternal Health and Midwifery Laboratories.

Campus C includes the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing, which is recognized by the research accreditation agency in Portugal – the Foundation for Science and Technology. It also includes the School’s Quality and Assessment Board, the Center for Study and Promotion of Well-Being, and the Student Residence, which is a dormitory with modern accommodation and meals at reduced prices.


A ESEnfC está situada em Coimbra (centro de Portugal), que é considerada a “Cidade do Conhecimento”. Aqui está edificada a mais antiga universidade do país, com origem em 1290 e, hoje, classificada como Património Mundial da Humanidade. Coimbra é, também, conhecida como a “Cidade da Saúde”, com uma assinalável concentração de estabelecimentos hospitalares e de formação superior, que fazem dela um dos maiores polos de prestação de cuidados na Europa.

Banhada pelo Rio Mondego, que nasce na maior formação montanhosa de Portugal Continental – a Serra da Estrela – e a 50 quilómetros do mar, Coimbra é uma cidade bonita, com um centro histórico de grande riqueza, museus, matas nacionais e outros aprazíveis espaços verdes. Com ruas estreitas, pátios, escadinhas e arcos medievais, terraços floridos, bares, galerias e livrarias, a parte velha da cidade encanta quem a visita. Coimbra está a 200 quilómetros de distância da capital Lisboa e a 120 da cidade do Porto, melhor destino turístico europeu de 2017.